
Some people believe the Universe is governed by vibrations.

Voice or the spoken word is how humans have been communicating for millenia.

Music - which conveys emotions - a kind of magic between one human and many is also an acoustic vibration.

Cosmic scientists who study how the universe functions are very interested in the electromagnetic spectrum in all its frequencies and vibrations.

Voice is natural to us - it is the heart of Natural User Interface or NUI.

Science Fiction becomes Science Fact.

This was science Fiction in 1968.

Open the Pod Bay door please HAL** - Stanley Kubrick’s Classic Sci Fi Movie, based on the Arthur C. Clarke book 2001 a Space Odyssey.

An early exposure to the masses of what Voice Command and Control could do. And it is more than a little scary when doesn't do what it is meant to.


Movie trivia or Nerd coincidence ?

The computer is called HAL = the three letters in sequence come just before IBM in the alphabet. H before I and A before B and L before M.

In 1968, IBM was the dominant computer company in the world.

50 years later......this is technological fun on a 'still serious issue" in 2018.

What if technology doesn't do what we tell it to ?

The consequences are far less serious.



Spend some time on www.Sensory.com

And get to know a pioneering Voice Command & Control company. Look at their offerings.


They use Neural Networks and Natural Language Processing - NLP - to deliver the voice of Amazon Alexa, Speech recognition for Huawei and Samsung devices. They are also in Mexican and Japanese banks.

They have come along way from their early days where their 8 bit microprocessors, were in toys for Hasbro with limited command vocabulary - stop, start, turn left, turn right etc.

They are now in over a Billion devices in over 35 languages. 

Active.ai - Conversation is the new UX.

Singaporean company active.ai with a presence in India and the US has been pioneering Conversational UI. Here's a 4 minute pitch. Click on the image or the link below.


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