AI Planning Template

Vision for AI

Write your vision statement for AI:

How does it serve in a mission statement?

Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics (GOST)

You need to have quantified and time-bound target to pursue, and ideas for how to proceed tactically.

Write your Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics:

  1. Goals
  2. Objectives
  3. Strategies
  4. Tactics

Business Case

With the strategy clear, a business case can now be built and presented with the goal of obtaining resource. Draft an outline business case using the following headings:



Decisions to be taken

Business Drivers



Gaps and blockers

Financial Implications of go vs no-go





Strategic Options

Opportunity Costs

Conclusion, Recommendation, and Next Steps.

Compliance and Ethics Plan

What are your intentions for the end users of your AI services? Are your intentions fair, honest and transparent?

What laws and regulations cover your proposed AI activities?

Are you using personal data?

In the case of a complaint against an AI-based decision, how will explain the relevant AI process, data and algorithms?

How are you prepared for legal eventualities such as law enforcement access to data and algorithms, and disclosure? 

How are you ensuring that 3rd party IP is protected?

Change Management Plan

What are your plans for:

Responsibility for delivery of AI services?

Organisational structural change?

Recruitment of relevant talent?

Training and skills development?

Program Governance

How will you control:

Ethics -

Are you using IEEE Standards for Artificial Intelligence Affecting Human Well-Being?

Openness and transparency -

Do you have openness transparency by design in the following domains:

  •       Engineering (design and maintenance)

  •       User 

  •       Professional (AI plumbers)

  •       Legal  


Measurement & evaluation

Management of autonomous systems, openness,



Skills development

Data Quality Plan

What are your plans for ensuring that data is of the highest quality?

Where is the data coming from?

How was it collected?

Why can the sources be trusted?

To what extent is the data biased?

Can biases be corrected?

Is the data current?

How much data is missing or corrupt in the dataset? 

What methods are in place for cleaning and wrangling data?

System Design

What architectural and development paradigms are you using now – for example, Enterprise Architecture, Object-oriented Architecture; Services Orientated (SOA); Agile? Are they appropriate for the future? How will they evolve?

What are the key solution building blocks needed to support greater use of AI?

How will your data management systems need to evolve?

Are you considering external cloud-based services? List the pros and cons. 

What would future AI solutions need from other systems?

What would trigger execution and interdependencies with other processes?

How would AI-based predictions cause actions to be taken?

Infrastructure Development Plan

How will you develop your infrastructure so it delivers AI workloads - i.e. support high levels of processing on large volumes of data. 

Hardware considerations, including processer choices



Hadoop architecture


System management


Vendor Selection and Management

In what ways does your data security and compliance regulations influence the choice of vendor or force an on-premises solution?


List the pros and cons of 3rd party cloud-based solutions, short term and long term


How will potential vendors encryption, security and data ownership.


What are the risks in terms of building dependencies on an external vendor? Is there a risk of ‘lock-in’?


How can you get your data and algorithms back if you wanted to change vendors?   

Control Framework

Have controls in your AI system been built-in at the design phase?

Are you deploying physical systems? If so, have you featured safety engineering as part of the design process?

What ‘red-line controls’ have you set up – for example, maximum transaction value or ‘behaviour inhibitors’ that overrides the algorithm when there is a risk of errors such as regulatory violation.

What tests are in place to verify that the right models have been used on the right data? 

Have these tests been used to tune the machine learning system?

Organisational Readiness

Have the following plans been appropriately socialised, and has feedback been solicited and considered: strategic plan; organisational plan; data and data ecosystem; scale-out plan; training plan? 

How does your training plan include provision for:

   Building AI solutions

   Managing AI solutions

   Using AI to augment people

   Educating consumers or end users

   AI skills for leadership

What are your plans for talent acquisition?

Phase 1 Implementation

What problem are you trying to solve?


How will you know that the implementation is successful?

What deployment method will you use:

Manual – take data files and run models on them using Python, or R

Virtual Machines with ‘sandboxed’ AI environment 



3rd party Cloud Services

machine learning as a Platform

Other - specify

Scale-out plan

What are the plans for scaling infrastructure to deal with additional workload?

How will you scale-out training appropriately?

What new talent will you need, and how will you acquire it?

How will you educate your customers at scale so they can intelligently consume your new products or services?

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