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COVID-19 Demystified
Writing and Production Team
Course Summary
Learning Goals
What is a Virus?
COVID-19, The Nasty Surprise?
How Did the Outbreak Start?
Introduction to Viruses
How do Viruses Work?
How Does SARS-CoV-2 Make Us Ill?
How Does SARS-CoV-2 Spread?
Exercise 1
Checkpoint 1
What is a Pandemic?
Pandemics Are Far From New
Effects of COVID-19 on Individuals
Effects on Health Services
Effects on Society
Economic Effects
Exercise 2
Checkpoint 2
How Can We Stop Pandemics?
Can Drugs Work on Viruses?
Key Equipment
Exercise 3
Checkpoint 3
Public Policy Options
What Does Herd Immunity Mean?
Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions
Policy Levers
Why is Choosing the Right Public Policy so Hard?
Exercise 4
Checkpoint 4
Choosing Response Strategies
Modelling Spreadsheet and Python Model
Data and Models
Exponential Growth
R0 and Other Important Parameters
What is an Inflection Point?
SIR Modelling
Policy 1. Do Nothing (Herd Immunity)
Policy 2. Washing Hands
Policy 3. Social Distancing
Policy 2 and 3. Social Distancing + Hand Washing
Exercise 5, Modelling
Exercise 5, Modelling Answers
Checkpoint 5
Exiting COVID-19
Different Countries, Different Results
Controlling COVID-19
Top 5 Policy Considerations
Potential Exit Routes
The World After COVID-19
Exercise 6
Checkpoint 6
R0 and Other Important Parameters
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