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AI Demystified
1. Introduction
1.0 Introduction to the Course
1.1 Say “Hello” to AI
1.2 Getting Started
1.4 Legal Notices
1.5 Checkpoint
2. What is AI
2.0 What and Where is AI?
2.1 Machine Learning First Steps (9:42)
2.2 Neural Network – First Steps (12:48)
2.3 Building A Fraud Detector (2:25)
2.4 Building a Machine That Learns (7:50)
2.5 Checkpoint
3. Working With Data
3.0 Learning From Data
3.1 Preparing Data (5:31)
3.2 Data Formats (5:10)
3.3 Working With Arrays (7:10)
3.4 Working With DataFrames (11:42)
3.5 Checkpoint
4. Machine Learning Applications
4.0 Regression (9:01)
4.1 Classification (12:34)
4.2 Credit Scoring (10:41)
4.3 Pricing (3:33)
4.4 Classifying Images (45:15)
4.5 Classifying Words (21:05)
4.6 Checkpoint
5. Neural Networks
5.5 Key Neural Network Functions
5.1 Essential Neural Network Mathematics
5.2 A Neural Network in 9 Lines of Code
5.3 Checkpoint
6. Summary
6.0 What Have We Learned?
5.5 Key Neural Network Functions
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